Title: Olive Rating: G Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck/Kurt Genre: Fluff Warning: Just pure fluff Spoilers: Nope! Disclaimer: Don't own them or the song. Author Notes: So, totally based off of this song by davedays ft. Kimmi Smiles. It's a cute song and yeah
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Title: Passed Notes Word count (should be 100 exactly): 100 Prompt: Woman writing Pairings/characters: Mary/Irene, Holmes Rating: PG Warnings/genres: None Summary/Author's notes: They saw each other as much as possible
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Title: Chemicals Word count (should be 100 exactly): 100 Prompt: It's Watson's fault Pairings/characters: Just friendship all around! Rating: G Warnings/genres: It's kid fic Summary/Author's notes: It seemed cute in my head
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Title: Tangible Author: mello_bello_91 Word count (should be 100 exactly): 100 Prompt: waistcoat Pairings/characters: Holmes/Watson Rating: G Warnings/genres: It's kinda sad Summary/Author's notes: It was all that was left
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